13 | Rethinking the promise of a diagnosis

Episode Summary

It wasn’t until the doctor told me that my illness was incurable and untreatable that I realized how much I was clinging to the hope of a “cure” for whatever was wrong with me. In this episode of RETHINKING IT, I am opening up about my recent health diagnosis and how it is forcing me to rethink my journey and what health and wholeness will look like for me.

Episode Notes

It wasn’t until the doctor told me that my illness was incurable and untreatable that I realized how much I was clinging to the hope of a “cure” for whatever was wrong with me.

In this episode of RETHINKING IT, I am opening up about my recent health diagnosis and how it is forcing me to rethink my journey and what health and wholeness will look like for me.

Closing music: Moby Long Ambients1 Calm. Sleep. | Track LA1

My writing on chronic illness