11 | Rethinking self-love with Jennifer O'Neill

Episode Summary

In this episode, Jennifer O'Neill and I are tackling the concept of self-love. So often we think self-love is the all or nothing, romanticized concept that we see on social media. Jennifer and I disagree and are sharing our versions of self-love and self-acceptance relating to body image, chronic illness, and work.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Jennifer O'Neill and I are tackling the concept of self-love. So often we think self-love is the all or nothing, romanticized concept that we see on social media. Jennifer and I disagree and are sharing our versions of self-love and self-acceptance relating to body image, chronic illness, and work.

In my conversation with Jennifer, we share personal stories about rethinking our relationship to self-love. Self-love isn't about slapping an affirmation on top of our self-hatred and going about our days. We talk about how self-love is really about accepting yourself and being honest with yourself. It's about respecting yourself enough to nourish all parts of your being and getting curious about why you are making the choices that you are making.


JENNIFER O'NEILL is a graduate of The Institute for Integrative​ ​Nutrition and is on a mission to help women free their bodies​ ​from the pain of dieting and negative body image, and lead​ ​them to a life of freedom, balance, and joy around eating and​ ​fitness. She put herself through diet hell for nearly 30 years of​ ​her life and knows that it’s simply not worth it. She guides her​ ​clients to take action around food, fitness, and body image from​ ​an aligned place of love instead of hate. It is only by changing​ ​our minds about ourselves that we can then begin to learn that​ ​the love we are so desperately seeking is already inside of us.