08 | Rethinking our relationship with food with Isabel Foxen Duke

Episode Summary

Do you ever feel crazy around food? Like find yourself standing with the freezer door open eating ice cream as fast as you can because tomorrow you "can't" have the ice cream crazy around food? Or maybe you're always stressing about what you "should" eat or determining your worth based on what you did eat? Today's guest, Isabel Foxen Duke can help. She is on a mission to help you stop feeling crazy around food.

Episode Notes

Season One Finale!
Do you ever feel crazy around food? Like find yourself standing with the freezer door open eating ice cream as fast as you can because tomorrow you "can't" have the ice cream crazy around food? Or maybe you're always stressing about what you "should" eat or determining your worth based on what you did eat? Today's guest, Isabel Foxen Duke can help. She is on a mission to help you stop feeling crazy around food.

In this episode we dig into why we even feel crazy around food and Isabel shares her personal journey with binge-eating and how she was able to break the diet cycle. Isabel doesn't hold back which is why I was so excited to have this conversation. She calls out diet culture, wellness culture, and fat phobia.

I know that you're going to love this conversation as much as I loved having it.

Learn more about Isabel Foxen Duke

Isabel Foxen Duke is the Creator of Stop Fighting Food — a free video training program for women who want to "stop feeling crazy around food." After years of trying to overcome emotional eating, binge-eating and chronic weight-cycling through "traditional" and alternative approaches, Isabel discovered some radical new ways to get women over their "food issues" once and for all — not just by shifting the mindsets of individuals, but by challenging the dominant diet culture as a whole. A fixture and thought-leader in the greater body-positive movement, Isabel has been featured in the Huffington Post,  Elle Magazine, XOJane, and has been praised by Ricki Lake. Her writing and free guide, How To Not Eat Cake, can be found at and you can watch her free video training series at