Rethinking how to truly let it out with Katie Dalebout

Episode Summary

I love this episode because it's two friends just talking about our lives. Katie and I explore our complicated relationships with social media, why mental health matters, and how we're both trying to live less in our heads and more in our bodies.

Episode Notes

I love this episode because it's two friends just talking about our lives. Katie and I explore our complicated relationships with social media, why mental health matters, and how we're both trying to live less in our heads and more in our bodies.

This episode is brought to you by Let [a podcast] Out - Katie's DIY podcasting workshop. I created RETHINKING IT because of Let [a podcast] Out. By the end of the workshop, my first three episodes were recorded, edited, and released! I was the round one winner of the contest and an episode of my podcast was featured on Katie's podcast, Let it Out with Katie Dalebout! Registration for the spring 2020 class of Let [a podcast] Out is open now + early bird pricing ends on March 15. You can save an additional $25 with the code STEPHANIE.